Maitreya - The World Teacher

Many now expect the return of their awaited Teacher, whether they call him the Christ, Messiah, the fifth Buddha, Krishna, or the Imam Mahdi. Millions now know that the Teacher who fulfills all these expectations is already living among us. Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of wise Teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Man’s emerging divinity

by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme,

In all history there has never been a time like the present. Never, in all the cycles which have left their mark on man’s evolution, has there been the same potential for change. This time, therefore, is unique. It portends a change in consciousness so dramatic and far-reaching that new definitions and vocabulary must evolve to describe man as he will become. The main factor in this profound event will be the influence of man’s Elder Brothers, the Masters of Wisdom, led by Maitreya, the Christ and World Teacher. It is impossible to overstate the effect which Their Great Approach will have on the lives and thoughts and behaviour of men. Many times have you heard that man is a potential God; these are not empty words but the very truth of man’s nature and Being. It is a matter of time only until that truth is verified and expressed for all to see. The Masters will give of Their Bounty of harmlessness, wisdom and love, and steer man’s ship safely to the harbour of achievement. Thus will it be. In time, men will take their due places and work together with the Masters for the benefit of all. Thus will men learn the Laws of Life and Love and fashion a future of unparalleled beauty.


The second great stimulus to man’s forward growth will come from far Aquarius. Already, as our sun enters more and more deeply into the field of influence of that mighty constellation, a ferment of change arises in the hearts and minds of men. The essential quality of Aquarius is Synthesis, a quality rarely seen in today’s life on Earth. However, in gathering momentum, the quality of Synthesis will gradually replace, in all departments of life, the fragmentation and disharmony of today. Men will come to understand the meaning of Unity, and to recognize that they are brothers and sisters of one family journeying together on a voyage of discovery.


When men look back to this time they will see it as a stepping-stone to Grace. Today’s chaotic turmoil is nothing less. From this turmoil will emerge the new forms which will grace the new civilization — new and better forms which will provide for men everywhere, and gratify the hearts of everyone.

Man, himself, is undergoing such stimuli that he may well feel nervous of the future. He sees and understands little of the enormous changes which are already under way and clings vainly to the past. Soon, this fear and nervousness will be replaced by courage and commitment to the work of transformation. Under the guidance of Maitreya and His Group men will lay the cornerstones of the new and better life of which, in their various ways, all men dream.


Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity.

The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Master of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

The above article is published in the June/July 2009 issue of Share International magazine.


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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Moment Has Come
by the Master –, through Benjamin Creme

Eventually, men will realize that they are travelling together on a journey of Self-discovery, one which will bring them in time to the feet of the most holy.

The essence of this journey of discovery is that it is self-enacted and willed, and at the same time is shared by all members, known and unknown, of the human family. True it is that all men are brothers, sons of the One Father, each engaged, consciously or otherwise, in this momentous adventure we call life. To many today, unfortunately, this adventure is a painful and degrading experience; to millions, it is unjust and barren, the sooner over the better.

Small wonder is it, therefore, that so many see life as drudgery and grind, their child-engendered dreams of achievement and happiness but distant memories.

Men are born to create and grow in Self-awareness, and need the environment in which that becomes possible. The terrible disease of commercialization has robbed countless millions of their birthright and, as its insidious growth encroaches on all aspects of men's lives, its tentacles of disaster squeeze every generous and human feeling from their hearts. Humanity is in thrall to commercialization and in peril of its soul.

What can men do to reverse this process of disaster? Already, the current economic and financial chaos, symptoms of the destructive forces of commercialization, are showing men that they can no longer allow this monster to rule their lives; that they must take stock and assess anew their priorities for a more just and healthy economic structure which will the better serve their needs.

There are, of course, many, relatively untouched by the current crisis, who see this time as a 'downturn' and look forward in full confidence to the inevitable 'upturn', when we can carry on as before. This is no longer possible; the blind can no longer lead the blind. They know not of Maitreya.

Maitreya has chosen this moment to fulfil His promise to enter the domain of men and to help them on their journey. He is emerging now; His herald, the star-sign of His emergence, is seen worldwide by many and is the signal of His appearance, openly, before men. Using the television resources of today, He will engage on a series of interviews starting in America and including Japan and many other countries.
As an ordinary man, undeclared as Maitreya, He will speak for all those who have no voice, no spokesman. He will call on men to share the goods of the Earth and to embrace each other as the brothers and sisters they are. He will show that if we would have peace there is only one way to achieve it: that is by the realization of justice throughout the world, and that justice can only be achieved through sharing. We await the response of all men and women of goodwill in this, our world.


Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity.

The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Master of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

The above article is published in the March 2009 issue of Share International magazine.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Maitreya’s first interview

by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 11 January 2009

In the very near future, people everywhere will have the opportunity to witness an extraordinary and significant sign, the like of which has been manifested only once before, at the birth of Jesus. Then, according to Christian teaching, a star appeared in the heavens and led three wise men from the East to the birthplace of Jesus. Soon, once again, a star-like luminary of brilliant power will be seen around the world. What does this mean? How is it possible?

The answer lies in the fact that this mysterious event is a sign, and heralds the beginning of Maitreya’s open mission. Soon after the sign appears in our skies, Maitreya will give His first media interview on American television.


On that open, public occasion, still unannounced as Maitreya, the World Teacher will present His views on the economic and financial chaos which now grips the world. He will explain its origins and final outcome, and present, to some extent, His recipe for amelioration of the present heavy burden on the poor of the world. Thus He will prepare the way for a more detailed and specific announcement of His ideas.

How will viewers respond? They will not know His background or status. Will they listen to and consider His words? It is too soon to know exactly but the following may be said: Never before will they have seen or heard Maitreya speak. Nor, while listening, will they have experienced His unique energy, heart to heart. Also, this is a unique time in history with whole nations stunned and apprehensive for the future. Therefore it can be assumed that many who hear His words will be open and eager to hear more. It is not for nothing that Maitreya has waited patiently for this moment to enter the public world; America, for one, would not have responded sooner. Now, for the first time in many years, a new Administration has to cope with financial chaos, unemployment and social unrest on a massive scale. The moment of truth for America and the world has arrived.


Not alone in America but worldwide, people are awakening to the need for and the possibility of change. The politicians and economists call the present situation a ‘downturn’ and a ‘recession’. In truth, we are witnessing the last stumbling steps of the old order. Millions are becoming aware that unbridled competition and greed are not the safest path for men, that such materialistic doctrines create a ‘slippery slope’ for the unwary, and, eventually, the international crisis we have today.

Of course, many people of burgeoning wealth stand clear of the present loss of confidence in the ways which have made them rich, and think it only ‘a matter of time’ until we are back on course and thriving again.

Will they heed Maitreya and recognize the sense of His argument? Lost in their arrogance and self-esteem, possibly not. However, many are less sanguine about a return to the status quo. Many have suffered painful losses and have lost faith in the old methods. The peoples of the nations are ripe and ready for change. They call out for change and a more meaningful life. Maitreya will remind men of the essentials without which there is no future for man: Justice and Peace. And the only way to both is through sharing.

Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity.

The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Master of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

The above article is published in the Jan/Feb 2009 issue of Share International magazine.

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008




For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles, and concluded:“People are hungry for signs.”

Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world – night and day.

Unbelievable? Fantasy? No, a simple fact.

Around a week later Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin His open emergence and – though not yet using the name Maitreya – will be interviewed on major US television.

In 1988 CNN and other media reported on Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday 11 June. A week before the event a remarkable sign occurred:“On Saturday 4 June a big, bright star was sighted, unusually brighter than ordinary stars,” reported Kenya Times editor Job Mutungi. For over 30 years artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the biggest event in history – the emergence of Maitreya and His group, the Masters of Wisdom. In May 1982 Crème revealed at a packed press conference in Los Angeles that Maitreya had been living in the Asian community of London since 19 July 1977.

Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense. As a modern man concerned with today’s problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of His extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the reunification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people’s voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global co-operation. With Maitreya and His group working openly in the world, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.

For more information visit:

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Evolution versus creationism
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

Many people believe, or affect to believe, that this world as it stands today is not more than 5,000 years old; that Man and all the creatures of the animal kingdom and the rocks of the mineral kingdom were created in a few days, fully fledged and finished in all aspects.

They hold that evolution is a myth, that the Christian Bible account of creation is literally true and correct. To accept such a theory it is necessary to close one’s eyes to science in general and to the sciences of geology, anthropology, palaeontology and archaeology in particular.

It is indeed true to say that there was a time when men did not walk the Earth, when dinosaurs, gigantic in size, roamed and ruled instead. It is also true that, according to Our reckoning, Man’s history is infinitely older than today’s science believes. By today’s reckoning, humanity is approximately five or six million years old at the most. By Our science and tradition, however, early animal-man had reached the point when individualization became possible, and the ‘Sons of mind’ began their long journey of evolution. It has taken Man 18-and-a-half million years to reach the level of today. How then is it possible for intelligent, educated ‘creationists’ to hold, against the evidence of science, what seems to be a ludicrous concept?


The answer lies in the fact that the evolutionists and the creationists are really arguing at cross-purposes; both, in their limited way are right. Modern scientists, looking objectively at the findings of Darwin, have accumulated a wealth of evidence for the case of evolution, a long, slow development of men from animal ancestors, in particular by the development of mind.

The creationists look to the Christian Bible as their guide, ignoring the fact that the Bible was written by hundreds of people over hundreds of years; that it is written in symbolic language, and is meant to be symbolic rather than factual. The creationist is at pains to emphasise that ‘Man’ was made by God, in ‘God’s own image’, and so owes nothing to evolution. To such, Darwin and those who follow him are missing the point about Man: that he is a spiritual being, of divine heritage, and if he does not always behave as God’s creation he has been corrupted by Satan.


Can these two diametrically opposed views be bridged and expanded at the same time? From Our point of understanding the scientists of today, the evolutionists, are undoubtedly correct in their analysis of Man’s development from the animal kingdom. We owe our physical bodies to the animal kingdom. That, however, does not make us animals. Darwin, and those who correctly followed his thought, describes only the outer, physical development of Man, largely ignoring that we are all engaged in the development of consciousness. The human body has all but reached its completeness: there remains little further to be achieved. From the standpoint of consciousness, however, man has scarcely taken the first steps towards a flowering which will prove that man is indeed divine, a Soul in incarnation. One day, the fact of the Soul will be proved by science and so become generally accepted, and the old dichotomy will be healed.


(The above article is published in the December, 2008 issue of Share International magazine.)

Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity. The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

For many years We, your Elder Brothers, have warned men of the dangers of blindly following market forces which, themselves, are blind. Thus, the present widespread economic and financial crisis should not be unexpected. The 'bubble' created by competition and greed had, inevitably, to burst. Yet the 'men of money' who built this towering edifice on shifting sands are stunned by the outcome, are at a loss to understand the reasons for the catastrophe and are already looking for better ways of continuing the same folly.
The people of the countries worst hit by the recent events, however, know well the reasons for the collapse, and are angry in the knowledge that it is they who will suffer hardship and want in the months and years ahead.


Maitreya, waiting patiently in the wings, sees this as a 'window of opportunity' which allows Him to emerge openly and begin His outer mission. Thus, the long wait for His emergence is almost over. Very soon indeed now men will hear Maitreya’s call for action and for change.

Already, amid the myriad analysts the media have turned to for explanation and advice in the current crisis are a few who wisely warn that radical change is essential; that control and regulation of the 'men of money' must be a top priority to prevent a repetition. The people call for fairness and justice and are in no mood to be ignored. Thus the stage is set, at last, for the words of Maitreya to be heard, and to be seen as sensible and true. He will tell men that the continuation of the present disorder will bring only further chaos; that only a complete and ordered reconstruction of the world’s economic system will bring justice and peace; that without such justice and peace the future would be bleak indeed. He will tell them that we have the answer in our hands, that the world is one; that we live and prosper as one or face annihilation. These things, bit by bit, Maitreya will tell the world and the people will respond. Before their present leaders, they will see His good sense, and welcome the opportunity to put into practice His advice.

How long this phase will last is difficult to predict but, in the present chaotic conditions it may be relatively short indeed. The greedy 'men of money' have been caught out and their methods found wanting. The people who only want sufficient to raise their families in decency are more than ready for the changes and the challenges of the future. They want justice and peace and are prepared to share to achieve these precious goals. The people are ready; the 'men of money' are bewildered and are licking their wounds; Maitreya, too, is ready, and has His hand on the door.


Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity. The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

The above article is published in the November 2008 issue of Share International magazine.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Man’s destiny
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme

When men awaken to their true potential they will be amazed by the range of creativity which will become theirs. The audacity of their thought will at first astound them, and will lead them into enterprises all but unimaginable today. Men will find that they are, in truth, potential Gods. From the deep slumber of the past men will awaken and slough off the heavy coat of ignorance which for long has delayed their forward progress. Thus will it be.

Man is now at the turning point in his long adventure in life on planet Earth. From now on, all progress will be the result of his considered will and reason. No longer will greed and competition impede his journey to perfection; no longer will war, and want for millions, degrade and stain his path; never again will lawlessness and separation rule on planet Earth.


Man’s foot now stands on a ladder of ascent which will take him to the very stars.
As We, your elder Brothers, take Our places beside you, you will see in Us exemplars, and be inspired to become like Us. You will see that We know no competition, that We value all life in whatever form. You will see that We love without distinction or condition; and work only and always for the fulfilment of the Plan. Men are destined by the Plan to reach that same perfection; Ours is the task to show them the way.
The path to such perfection is well trodden by Us and We have set in place the needed landmarks: men must see humanity as One, brothers and sisters, sons of the One Father.

Freedom and Justice are essential to all, everywhere, without exception, and can only be achieved by trust. Sharing alone can create that trust, and set men on the path to their divinity.
Men, to be happy, must live within the Laws of Life: of Cause and Effect, Rebirth,
Harmlessness and Sacrifice. These basic Laws are the Ancient Landmarks which protect men from self-destruction and remorse.
When Maitreya steps forward into open vision you will hear these Laws again, for they form the basis of all His teaching and the basis of all life on planet Earth.


The awakening of men depends on humanity grasping the import of these Laws and their willingness and readiness to change. This present so-called civilization has ‘run its bolt’, is decayed and dying, with little further to offer men than hardship and fear, and, finally, self-annihilation.
Maitreya comes to show men that they have within themselves all that it takes to become the Gods they essentially are. To show them how simple and beautiful is that way, and to inspire them to grasp and accept their destiny. Maitreya doubts not their response.

Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity.
The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Master of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.

The above article is published in the October 2008 issue of Share International magazine.

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